City of Millbrae

Job Classifications
(650) 259-2332

The City of Millbrae is located in San Mateo County on the northern San Francisco Peninsula, immediately west of the San Francisco International Airport. The City covers 3.25 square miles primarily between the Bayshore (101) and Junipero Serra (280) Freeways. Millbrae is a suburban, residential community that is essentially built out with 70% of the City's 8,200 dwelling units comprised of single-family units.

Millbrae retains its "small town" feel while its economy continues to expand, as it remains linked to the growing airport and related tourism. The City planned a major downtown revitalization with the arrival of the new San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Station.

A five-member City Council elected to four-year overlapping terms governs the City Government, incorporated in 1948. The City Council appoints the City Manager who serves as the City's chief executive officer. Millbrae is a general law city. Department Heads are appointed by the City Manager. The City is organized into the following departments, which provide direct City services: Community Development, Finance, Administration, Administrative Services, Recreation, and Public Works. Administration includes the executive and legislative offices as well as legal services. Administrative Services includes Human Resources and the City Clerk. The City contracts with the San Mateo County Sheriff’s office and Central County Fire for police and fire services.